Music Video
directed and produced by Keida Mascaro

note:  this film was part of a series of live audio & video recordings I made with David Garza off of his album Nightwalker. This was a particularly interesting shoot because he played no instruments on the street so we could abstract his movements. We recorded 3-4 takes of each song sung a cappella shot at different focal lengths. I then edited each song and exported the master audio track back to David, which he remastered adding additional musical instrumentations and vocalizations. 
film by Keida Mascaro

note:  this film was part of a series of screen tests I shot in the mid 2000's, and this particular portrait was of my deaf transexual neighbor Michael, who was a performer and sex worker. Out of 150+ portraits, this was my favorite portrait because he allowed me to capture him in both his drag persona and his everyday wears, including his transition. 
film di N ° 1 
Short film
film by Keida Mascaro

note:  this film was made with cabaret dancer Carley France in an Ohio apple orchard. I included this quirky piece because it fit the mood of what I envision some of the content can look like.
Book Cover
photo & cover design by Keida Mascaro

note:  this was a book cover I designed for queer activist and actor Michael Kearns based on a photograph that I took at Sugar Bank Studio in Koreatown. This is a studio owned by a dear friend Michael Lane. His space has many different rooms that could be used for an array of different period looks.
(13) Thirteen
Music FIlm
produced by Keida Mascaro

note:  another oddball piece addition to this sample page, but this is one of my very favorite pieces that incorporated music and theatrics. David Francis Smith was a dear friend of mine in Ohio, and was a gifted poet and reader. He also was in late stage COPD and this was the last piece recorded of him reciting his work before he died. We assembled an improv jazz collection around him where he recited his poetry first in the vocal booth, then we played the reading back to the musicians in the main recording room. The first musician who was inspired played what came to them, and the rest followed. Each song accompaniment was written on the spot and not rehearsed. Then I took all the recordings and cut this film and inserted the master from our engineer for the final film.
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